Vigo - fourth time there, first visit

Sunday 9 November 2008 - Vigo

This is at least my fourth time in Vigo, but it is the first time I've actually got off the ship. Usually Vigo is on the way out after a bad crossing of the Bay of Biscay, or its on the way back when it is the last port before Southampton. I've learned the hard way to pack on the last port day of the cruise. There is nothing worse than feeling seasick and the ship is rolling, and trying to pack a case. Believe me, not to be recommended!

As QE2 wasn't leaving Vigo to 7pm, Evie and I had a sleep in the afternoon and then Campbell took us into the town. There is a massive shopping centre two minutes walk from the ship and the first shop was a wine shop! Well I was at home! I also bought a beautiful necklace there with huge blue, clear, red and black beads.

The weather was awful. It rained and rained. This was a taste of things to come!


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