QE2 and the Duke

Tuesday 11 November 2008 - Southampton

The QE2's late arrival caused its own set of problems. Passengers' luggage was late in being unloaded, which meant passengers were late disembarking. Normally this would annoy us because we'd want to get home, but as we were in no hurry to leave the QE2, we didn't mind.

After breakfast, Nana, Agnes, Evie, Campbell and I ensconsed ourselves in the Lido (informal restaurant). We had food, we had toilets, we had the ability to go outside - we were set up quite happy for the long haul!! We realised quickly that we wouldn't get off the ship before 10.30am so we made a pact that we would try to stay on board and watch for the flyover, when a plane was to drop a million poppies over the QE2. Indeed, as 11am approached, there was no indication that we would be called. We all went outside to watch the ceremony for the minute's silence, and then I went up to the Yacht Club deck to see the plane. I didn't actually see it drop poppies, but Campbell got some lovely pictures of it dropping them.

We went back inside and we met Brian Johnson from Princess Cruises and his friends. Then our number was called. On our way out of the Lido, the Queen's Room had been sectioned off. Inside was Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and lots of dignitaries. It was actually really good of him visiting the QE2 on Armistice Day - I'm sure lots of other places would have been wanting his presence. The QE2 has been such an integral part of the royal family - Prince Charles was present when she went down the Clyde, its named after our Queen and she has visited the ship many times, the previous Queens - Mary and Elizabeth - were named after her mother and grandmother.

Leaving QE2 was sad, but I wasn't in tears as I had expected. I think it was because she is going to a good home in Dubai. I know that she will be well-cared for in Dubai. She'll probably look nothing like what I know of her, but Dubai has the money to spend on her to make her a top class hotel. 

Show me a person who has not changed in life or took a different path, and I'll show you a boring person. QE2 has had many changes in her life - transatlantic liner, cruise ship, troopship, steam to diesel, re-fits, colour changes - so this will be another exciting chapter in her life! Long live the Queen!


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