Trick or Treat

Friday 31 October 2008 - At Sea/Cagliari, Sardinia

Evie went off Trick or Treating with the nursery staff and came back with a bag load of sweets. Dressed as a Pirate, I thought she might be made to walk the plank, but no, instead they did a far worse thing... returned her to us! Debi and Liz from the nursery took her out to the Sports Deck and Evie demanded sweets with menaces from the sports staff, and then off to the shop, where she was supplied with more sugar-induced rocket fuel! 

Cagliari was wet! In fact, we were drenched. Campbell decided to take us all out for a walk. We went up hill, and up and up and up until I said I'd had enough. On our walk back down we got even more soaked. Instead of sightseeing, we met half the passengers fro the QE2 inside a department store!

In the evening Evie and I dressed up as witched (Nana didn't need to as that is how she normally dresses! Only joking). Everyone admired our hats! Many of the public rooms on QE2 had turned into halloween haunts. The Queens Room (the main dancing lounge) was covered in cobwebs, paper spiders and had two full sized paper coffins. One inscription read "We didn't like our dinner!".

We had an American dinner in the Lido (informal) restaurant. On the menu was honey roast ribs, sweetcorn, onion rings, and other american delicacies. Before this however, we had to go through the entrance which was decked out in halloween stuff. Inside the paper coffin lay one of the lido managers, dressed in a tuxedo and looking like a ghost. Evie walked past, he rose from his coffin and nearly frightened the life out of her. Inside she met James, who is the Assistant Maitre d' in the restaurants, and one of Evie's favourite members of the crew. He was also dressed up like the living dead.


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