One of those days, and drinks with the Captain

6 November 2008 - At Sea

Do you ever have one of those days when nothing seems to go right? That was my day today. I just notification that I was doing a lecture - tomorrow, 3pm - and I needed to work on my talk. The only places to work on QE2 is the business centre (full of people), the computer room (full of people) and the Boardroom. Every time I tried to get into the Boardroom, someone was in there trying to use the WiFi internet.

Then Campbell announced that he didn't want lunch in the Mauretania Restaurant. I mistakingly mentioned that I think they had an alternative dining venue in The Golden Lion Pub on board. The Golden Lion is the main place where all the smokers on board congregate and you cannot find a place to sit down. Worse than that, you have to pass through it en-route to the Mauretania Restaurant and clothes end up smelling of smoke and you can hardly get through the fug (smoke). Its a horrible place.  Campbell ended up in a mood and dragged Evie and I off to the Lido for lunch. But most of the ship was there and it was impossible to get a seat. By this time we had our food in our hand, and Campbell decided to go out onto the open decks. It was windy. Then he decided to go up a deck, but there were no seats. We ended up in the Yacht Club, balancing plates on our laps, as it was the only place which we could find a seat and wasn't windy. Then Campbell went off on his high-horse about smokers. I agreed, but lunch wasn't the time or place. Cunard really must do something about their smoking policy. Princess Cruises don't allow smoking inside their ships and Cunard should do the same. I always say that if a drug addict was shooting up next to you, or an alcoholic was being aggressive, then they would be asked to leave, but smokers think they can light up anywhere and it doesn't bother anyone. Its ludicrous. Why should I, as a passenger, be denied an alternative dining venue, because everyone around me is puffing cigarettes? I had a similar problem in Messina. I was sitting on the back deck of QE2 writing my blog. This elderly couple came up and plunked themselves at my table - they didn't even bother asking if the seats were taken. Then, without warning, they started lighting up cigarettes and the smoke was blowing right in my face. Talk about bad manners! Seemingly, I wasn't the only one who was annoyed. A few days later a couple were sitting next to me and someone lit up a cigar. They were telling me that they overheard an argument between a smoker and non-smoker near where we were sitting.  I believe usually in live and let live, but I really object to others invading my space with cancerous smoke. My dad had his first heart attack at 42 caused by smoke. My parents owned a tobacconist and I used to get coughed on by smokers. I also had a best friend who smoked. Its a disgusting habit.

Now I'll get off my high-horse!

In the evening we had been invited for drinks in the Captain's Day Cabin. Campbell and I soon realised that we were invited because I was an author of a book on QE2. Nana, Agnes and Evie had an invite too. At first Nana thought that everyone got an invite like this - she thought it was some sort of welcome for new customers. But Campbell and I soon explained that this is a great honour to be invited to a party like this because its only open to people the Captain has invited personally. They got an invite because the Captain knew Evie was my daughter, but as Evie was staying with Nana and Agnes in their room, they got an invite too.

The first person we met was Kim Warwick. She waved and came straight over. She looked absolutely beautiful in a royal blue trouser suit with beading. I admired her necklace - Swavorski crystals the size of ice cubes. It was stunning. She introduced us to a gentleman who had been high up in a company called Trafalgar House - they used to own Cunard. We also spoke to Second Officer Catriona Dowling. We had to ask her about being a lady officer in a male environment. But she pointed out that QE2 had two lady officers on the Bridge, and that there are some lady Staff Captains in the Carnival Corporation. It won't be long before they get their first lady Captain! 


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