Dubrovnik - the Jewel of the Adriatic

Monday 3 November 2008 - Dubrovnik, Croatia

This is my third visit to Dubrovnik. I love the place. There is something magical as you approach the battlements and the walled city. This was the first place I ever visited when I went cruising. Back in 1986 Agnes and I flew to Dubrovnik to cruise on Sea Princess for a week, visiting Izmir in Turkey, Athens, Santorini, and Corfu. That was before the war and they had a little cable car which took tourists up to the top of the hill. You could get a wonderful view of the city. This is where I also met 'my little church'. I'm not at all religous, and I don't usually visit religous buildings, unless they are Greek Temples, but I always visit this little church in Dubrovnik. Evie came along with me. We counted the steps up to it - she got 36 and I got puffed out and needing resuscitation. Until then Evie had been fairly quiet, but as soon as we got in the church she felt this sudden urge to babble! 

After leaving the church we headed off down the main street and Evie went cat spotting. Each one looked like Jess, or Salem or the Kitten. I thought the Kitten was unique (she's 11 years old) with her black, brown and tortoiseshell coat (in fact, she looks as if someone who has been eating chocolate has been sick all over her!). But no, I reckon she is from Croatian descent!

Meanwhile, Campbell was catspotting himself! He took himself away up the hills to get some descent photos of QE2 in the bay at Dubrovnik. He met lots of wild cats on the way up and took pictures of them - hiding in bushes, walking on walls, running away from him.

Evie loved travelling into Dubrovnik by tender. Tenders are the lifeboats on board a ship. These are used for shuttling passengers back and forth to ports which do not have a harbour big enough for a ship. We've got two stops like this - Dubrovnik and Zakinthos.

In the evening, Campbell took this mad notion to go dancing with is daughter. Last time Campbell danced was at our wedding 14 years ago, and only before he had to. Well, after I'd picked myself up off the floor, we all went down to the Queens Room and danced. 

Every time I hear the song Moon River, it always makes me think of the Queens Room on QE2. The song fits the venue so perfectly. The band began to play Moon River, Campbell and I went up to dance, and I burst into tears on the dance floor. I realised that this may be my first and last dance to that song on QE2. It was a very sad and poignant moment.

After the show, Nana, Agnes and Evie joined us in the the Queens Room. The Gentleman hosts realised Nana and Agnes were single ladies and took them up to dance. Many of the better classes of cruise ships carry Gentleman Hosts, who are on board to dance with the single ladies. I think its a great idea. Agnes was up cha-cha-ing with one of the Hosts. Its one of these experiences I said to them they must have - dancing in the famous Queens Room on QE2.


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