Born again dieters/don't leave your brain at the dockside

Saturday 8 November - At Sea

By this time, we have got into a routine. Breakfast, Evie goes to nursery, I have some free time, lunch, sleep, swimming, dinner, drinks, get Evie, bed.

I tried to do some University work this morning, but it was impossible to find a table to work from. I eventually shared a table outside the library with a lady compiling lists about dogs. Don't ask!

I find this really peculiar about QE2. You don't take a cruise on QE2, you take a voyage. They have planned entertainment, but not to the same extent that you find on cruise lines such as P and O or Princess. This is because they assume that as a Cunard customer, you do not leave your brain at the dockside when you board, and that you will find something constructive to do, such as reading a book or just relaxing. They don't feel the need to keep you entertained all the time.

My favourite joke was from the Captain: He was referring to Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas, which was docked with us in Messina. He said "They have rock climbing walls and flume rides to keep their passengers entertained and fit... we [QE2] has eight stairways!"

Also people spend a long time eating when they are on QE2. Unlike the other lines when you have eating venues open all day, QE2 has strict times for eating. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, canapes with drinks, midnight buffet. Nana and Agnes got into the routine of going for afternoon tea in the Queen's Room. They serve little sandwiches with the crusts cut off, and petite cakes. Nana would then say every night at dinner how thin she was and how much weight she had lost in the past 6 months, while stuffing her face with two cheese rolls and lots of handmade chocolates!



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