Three giants have appeared in Southampton!

Firstly, there is Cunard's QE2. Not a giant in size but a giant in reputation. The modern's world's most famous ocean liner is embarking her passengers today for her final double transatlantic voyage - from Southampton to New York and back to Southampton. Cunard have been famous for their transatlantic voyages for over 160 years, since their first scheduled sailing by Britannia in 1840. This will be a particularly poignant voyage as this will be the last time she visits her second home, New York. Rumour has it that New York will not let her leave without a massive celebration.

Accompanying her on this double transatlantic is her sister, Queen Mary 2 - a giant in size at almost 160,000 gross registered tonnes. This is a real treat for ocean liner lovers everywhere.

Finally, in port at the same time is P and O's Ventura, She is the newest and largest addition to the P and O fleet at over 100,000 gross registered tonnes. Ventura is heading for the sunnier climes of the Mediterranean, visiting such places as Livorno, Monte Carlo and Barcelona.


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