Bow art on ships

Years ago, when standing on the stern of Saga Rose in Madeira, I had a very interesting discussion with Captain Rentell of Saga Rose, and my mum. Behind us was an Aida ship, much bigger than us (it made us look like a tug boat). Almost dwarfing our stern was the bow of the Aida ship, complete with bow art. My mum was of the opinion that she hated it because the eyes kept following her. She was convinced there was something evil about the eyes!! I defended it by saying I thought the artwork was cute and it gave the ship personality.

Back in the Noughties, it was fairly unusual to see ships with bow art. Most shipping lines had their own company coloured hulls and funnels, and were very distinctive. The bow art of the Aida ship just stood out with its stary eyes and big lips.

I actually like the bow art. It gives the ship some character. I feel it gives it life, in a playful way. However, it has become so accepted that the ships have lost the characteristics of the line. Princess Cruises' Sea Witch has been pulled and elongated along the length of the bow, so she looks like she's vomiting along the side of the ship, instead of having her beautiful hair flowing. I actually like the Aida faces, and Norwegian Cruise lines' bow art is very interesting. As for the Union Jack on P&O, the jury is still out on that one. While on one hand I'm proud to be travelling 'British', on the other hand, do I really want it broadcast to the world? It feels a bit like we're invading.


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